Start at Ditsowo u, Lodge, a Bribri community lodge where you will experience the authentic peasant life and learn about the culture and traditions of this indigenous community.
You will take a guided hike of approximately 2:30 hours, through the mountain, to learn about medicinal plants used by the Bribri and enjoy incredible landscapes.
You will learn about the history and traditions of the Bribri community and their clans, learning about their worldview and their relationship with nature.
You will arrive at the exciting Aventuras Sé Yamipa, located in the Yorkin Community, where you will get to know the local flora and fauna and learn about the importance of caring for the forest.
You will enjoy a hike through the primary rainforest to observe different species of trees and animals, including species unique to the Talamanca Mountain Range.
Finally, you will culminate the tour with an exciting trip in a traditional canoe, from the community of Yorkin to the place where the trip began. An unforgettable and authentic experience in contact with nature and the indigenous Bribri culture.
One Day
Medicinal Plants Tour
Un detalle importante
¿Qué llevar a la Gira a Talamanca?
• Una sola mochila o maletín (one back pack)
• Un par de botas de caminar (hiking boots) o tennis cerradas (sport shoes)
• Un par de sandalias o chancletas (sandals or flip-flops)
• Uno o dos pantalones largo de tela delgada (light-fabric long pants) • Uno o dos pantalones cortos -o pantalonetas- de tela delgada (light-fabric short pants)
• Traje de baño (swimming suit)
• Una toalla de baño o playa (a shower or beach towel)
• Una gorra o sombrero (a cap or hat)
• Medias y ropa interior (sox and underwear)
• Una chaqueta liviana (a light jacket or sweeter)
• Desodorante y productos de aseo/cuidado personal (Deodorant and item of personal higyne)
• Bloqueador solar de alta protección (sunscreen – high factor)
• Repelente de insectos (bug repelent)
• Dinero de bolsillo –cantidad limitada– (pocket money – not much)